One has only to go to the zoo to see God's zany sense of humor. Of course, the animals might very well think the same of the Walking Human Exhibit, gawking and pointing and scratching ourselves just when we think no one else is looking.
Yes, me thinks that God had enormous fun on Days 5 and 6 of creation. Birds and sea creatures and livestock and wild animals and creepy crawly things. This wasn't heavy and onerous theology, this was God at play. Such delight He seems to have taken in preparing creation as gift to First Man and First Woman, and their children, and their children's children.
Don't get me wrong, like any gift there is room for abuse, and we humans have found ample ways to mal-steward the earth. Scripture is clear that creation is groaning in anticipation of release from Sin's Grip, and that was written long before things like oil spills and nuclear dead zones and toxic chemical waste.
But sometimes it is good to simply delight in that which brought delight to the Creator, and to remember the ancient words of Genesis:
"Creation was complete. And God said it was good..."
Following are a few family photos from a recent trip to the zoo. Huh. I bet the camel still brings God a good chuckle or two.
Enjoying the view,
Photo by Lisa V
Photo by Lisa V