Ahhhh, the start of a new school year. Crisply sharpened #2 pencils. Blank reams of wide-ruled paper. Empty folders nearly taunting to be filled. Excitement. Fear. Anticipation. Nervous tummies. How grand, this annual ritual of getting back to the basics.
And somewhere along the way, my heart wants to get back to the basics, too. I long for that fresh-start smell of First Day excitement, the anticipation of life stories not-yet-written, the freedom of a blank notebook unmarred by mistakes and misspellings. I find myself thirsty to live caught on the edge between summer and school, where almost anything seems possible.
May the following song invite your soul back to the basics, towards the God of New Beginnings in whom all things are possible.
@ 2006, All rights reserved.
Words by Lisa Venkatrathnam
Music by Kristin Wilson and Brian Turnquist
Third verse melody “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”
(John Wyeth, 1813, Public Domain)
Performed by the Elim Praise Team (Kristin Wilson, lead vocals)
Long ago I heard the story
Long ago I heard your name
Long ago I thought I knew you
Long ago it was no game
But we travel, casual pilgrims
Hearts turn cold, with wandering glance
Could I hear your voice and calling
If you gave me one more chance?
Sleepless nights and restless daydreams
Thinking how my life should be
Every thought, to you surrendered
Finally finding rest in Thee
But we travel, casual pilgrims
Hearts of stone, so plain to see
Could I bear to hear your calling
If what you ask is all of me?
Take away my restless daydreams
Treacherous thoughts of what could be
Teach me, Savior, soft and gentle
Let me find my rest in Thee
Bring me home, this casual pilgrim
Undo my heart with mercy wild
Let me hear your voice and calling
As you love this wayward child
Holy, holy, join the chorus
Hallelujah, holy ground
Tears are falling, accept them Jesus
As I lay my burdens down
Holy, holy, join the chorus
Guard my heart until the end
Thanks and praise be yours, sweet Jesus
Hallelujah, amen.