Here in North America, this weekend is overflowing with national celebrations. Canada Day on July 1st. U.S. Independence Day on July 4th.
Freedom. Patriotism. Pride.
These are good things, and certainly have their place. I for one am grateful for the many blessings I enjoy living where I live...and yes, too often take for granted.
It strikes me, though, that government inevitably comes up short for Things That Matter Most.
...It can educate our children, but cannot force them to live wisely.
...It can grow an economy, but cannot create contentment.
...It can feed the hungry, but cannot quench spiritual thirst.
...It can rehabilitate prisoners, but cannot set people free from themselves.
...It can protect its borders, but cannot guard an individual's heart.
...It can legislate tolerance, but cannot instill love.
No, these things were never meant to be achieved by human institutions. The job description is way too big for that.
And so this weekend I celebrate the many blessings I have. And am even more thankful for the True Freedom the Savior offers to all.
In Him,
"If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed..."
John 8.36