Blame it on the Birds

If I look a bit bleary-eyed of late, blame it on the birds. Those darlin’ creatures have been striking up the Hallelujah Chorus earlier and earlier these days as the daylight hours lengthen in anticipation of summer.

This morning the feathered choir started warming up around 4 a.m. Truth be told, Dear Hubby doesn’t hear a single note in his sleep, but I myself startle awake and can’t regain any zzzzz’s till at least one cantata, and perhaps a partial mass, have been completed.

Even though I’m prone to surliness at that early hour (sorry, Honey!), there’s a part of me that fills with wonder to hear God’s creation start each and every day in praise. My heart thinks of *Him* because creation is already pointing in that direction.

Don't get me wrong, I can't literally translate the words those birds are singing. But it seems to me that anytime something ~ or someone ~ gladly lives out the purpose for which they were created, that in itself is an act of praise.

Whether with wings or with words, the Creator is glorified.

Makes me wonder what my own life sounds like. Am I fulfilling the purposes for which I was created, praising my Creator through a life well-lived?

Do those around me hear God because of how I live my life?

And so, even though I am a bit bleary-eyed, I'm glad for the early morning wake-up call to direct my thoughts to the One already thinking of me. A gift of praise, thanks to the birds.

That my Creator would likewise be heard through my own life,